
Pets Care terms and conditions (policies)

1. Bookings

Bookings can be made via telephone, email, text, messenger or Whatsapp. Before any home-boarding can be confirmed, a Meet and Greet session has to take place, at my house with my own dogs present and the guest dog which has to be booked in. After the meet and greet a trial night (for boarding) has to be booked, after which I will let you know if the dog is suitable for home-boarding. I reserve the right to review this at any time.

During the trial night you must be available to collect the dog if anything goes wrong. Only after I have approved the guest dog, and gave you positive feedback on the trial session, you can book your dates in. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES I WILL TAKE A DOG WITHOUT HAVING MET IT BEFORE!! I am licenced to take up to 5 extra dogs.. Regular customers will have booking priority above new ones as I know that they will match my dogs and potentially day-care dogs . Regular customers can book at short notice, providing I have enough space.

1.a. Dogs

Your dog has to be social and get on well with other dogs, including mine and potential day-care dogs. If for any reason the dog is aggressive during the stay, either towards me or my dogs, I reserve the right to put him in kennels at your cost. Dogs must be neutered. However I am willing to take bitches which must not be in season. Entire pups (under 1 year of age) are usually OK. No dogs from the dangerous dog act 1997 will be boarding with me.

2. Boarding

Once I have decided that your dog is fine during the trial visit, he/she will then stay in my own house, and be treated as one of my own dogs. This can include laying on the sofa, but there are various dog beds too. Guest dogs are not allowed in the bedrooms. They have access to the kitchen, dining room and living room and garden of course. It may be necessary to split any dogs when I have to go out. In this case guest dogs will be in the kitchen, with access to water and sleeping mats in the hallway.

3. Feeding

You will have to provide enough food for your dog's stay. I will feed him according to your instructions. Guest dogs will be fed in the hallway behind the stair-gate so that they have peace to eat their food without my dogs present.

However if you always have a bowl of kibble laying around at home, this has to be altered. It is impossible in a house with Labradors to have a bowl of food sitting around. If I run out of your dog's food during his stay, I will buy more (as specified on your information form) and claim the cost back to you. There is always fresh water provided at various places.

3 a. Administering Medicine

If your dog takes regular medicine, I will administer it in the way you normally do (for example a tablet or suspension in food), If the dog falls ill and I have to take him to the vet for treatment, and I have to give medicine, I will follow the vets' instructions on giving this additional medicine.

4. Day-care

I take day-care dogs from 9 am till maximum 7pm.  All activities have to take place within the stated times.

Your dog will be with me and my dogs and potentially with another day-care or boarding dog.

When possible, I will take dogs for a walk, especially boarding dogs. However, if there are many other dogs, it may logistically not be possible to take them all, so I might take small groups at a time.  Your dog will have access to my garden, which is enclosed and gated. I will supervise the guest dogs when they are in the garden. Dogs can and will play with each other, and there are balls and toys to do so. When you pick up I will give you a briefing on how the dog has been and what he has done during the day. During hot weather, I provide a pond where they can cool down in, but only a small amount of water will be in it and it is regularly changed.

5. Updates

I will keep you updated on how your dog is doing during it's stay with me; for boarding I usually do this at the end of the day, dinnertime. I use Wattsapp or messenger for this.  This is useful so that you know how the dog is progressing and how he interacts with other dogs. If you have given permission on the information form I might use these pictures on my Facebook page and/ or website or Instagram. If you rather just have a break without updates, please let me know. You can always phone during opening hours if you are worried too!

6. Illness/recovery

If your dog has a contagious disease I can not have him due to risk of passing it to my own or other dogs for boarding or day-care. You will have to find alternative care during the illness and only when the dog is fully recovered he can come back here. If your dog falls ill whilst boarding here, I will take it to the vet (yours if possible or my own) for examination and treatment. If it is a contagious illness I will have to keep your dog separate from others. I will look after it and let it out on it's own away from others.

If your dog goes in for an operation, I can not have it back until it is fully recovered according to your vet. (usually 10 days)This is for your dogs' safety. if your dog comes in with an existing condition, which worsens during its' stay with me, I will have to take it to the vet at your own cost.  

7. Vaccinations

Your dog must have up to date vaccination certificates, with kennelcough so that it can not infect other dogs or contract it through other dogs. I will need to see the certificate. Rabies is not essential at this stage. Evidence of recent flea and worm treatment should be provided before any stay at Pets-care.

8. Toys

There is a good selection of different toys that are suitable for all dogs. These include balls, chewing, pulling and soft toys. They are regularly checked for safety, cleaned and replaced when needed. If you bring your own toys for your dog during a stay, you must accept that other dogs will have access to them and also play with it which may damage the toys. Please be aware of this when you bring toys for the dog as I will not replace your damaged toys. If a dog is possesive about toys, I will take all toys away during it's stay and re-introduce them when the dog is gone. 

9. Damage to your property

If you bring a food bowl or bedding for your dog and my dogs or other dogs staying here will damage it, I will either replace it or give you a credit voucher for a future stay.

10. Cancellation

Your requested dates will be reserved in my diary. There is no cancellation charge or deposit to be paid.  If however you have to cancel the booking for any reason, please let me know so that I can book another dog in for these dates. Equally if anything was to happen which makes it impossible for me to look after your dog during the booked dates, (for example family emergency, illness) I reserve the right to cancel the reserved dates. I will do my best to find another licensed boarding place for you but it can not be guaranteed.

11. Dog-walking service

If you book a walk for your dog, my son Stefan, who is the sole dog-walker at Pets-care, will come to your house for a Meet and Greet so that he can meet you and the dog and find out about its habits, how and where it is walked and when. He will take the dog on a trial walk around the area around your house to see what he is like. When booking in a slot, please state when and how long you want your dog walked. (£12.00 for one dog and £18.00 for up to two dogs per hour including travelling to and from a park or beach). Third an d fourth dog from the same household will be £5.00 extra each. We do not walk more than 4 dogs at the same time.  You should provide their normal leads/harnesses for walking and towels to dry them if it rains.

12. Car Travel

During transport in the car, your dog will be secured with a harness and seat belt on the back seat or behind a dog guard in the boot, whichever the dog is used to.

13. Walking whilst boarding

Dogs are taken to safe places to walk, this is usually Greenan beach or Rozelle park. If your dog can walk well on the lead, I can walk him to Belleisle park or along the river to the Millenium bridge. If you gave permission for the dog to be off lead, I can do so and they might play with a ball away from roads and traffic.

14. Pick up and drop off

Pick up and drop off can be provided. This incurs a charge of £5.00 each way within 5 miles of Pets-care. You will have to leave a key or another way to get in; a popular choice is a key-safe. The dog will be taken to my own home from where we will take it for a walk sometime during the day. Then at the agreed time the dog will be dropped back home and the key will be left where it was found, unless other arrangements have been made with yourself; i.e. drop key in letterbox.

15. Payment

Payment can be made using the bank transfer details on the invoice that I will sent to the email address given.  Otherwise cash on collection please. Payment is due at the time of service, so for daycare due on the last day of care that week and for boarding upfront or on the day of pick up.  A future stay can not be made unless any outstanding fees have been settled.

16. Lost Dog

In the unfortunate case that your dog gets lost, either from my garden or when on a walk, I will first of all spend time looking for it and asking other walkers if they have seen it. Your dog will have a temporary tag with my contact details on its collar, so that people can contact me if they find the dog. If I can't find the dog back, I will inform the local dog warden, the police and local vets. I will put it on my Facebook page and on local dog-walking forums. I will also use social media to make people aware of the lost dog. .

17. Collection of dog

You are expected to collect the dog at the agreed time. It will be handed back to you with any of your dogs' belongings. If you are much later than the agreed time, you will have to pay a £5.00 late pick up fee. If you are unable to pick up the dog yourself and someone else will do this for you, the name of the person collecting needs to be known to me and will be verified when they come to collect the dog. If for any reason you can't come back and there is no-one else to pick up the dog, I expect you to let me know and I will keep the dog here till the next day but you have to pay the full boarding fee. If I still can't get in touch with you, I will contact the emergency contact, who will have to decide the next step. 

18. GDPR statement

The information you provide will not be shared with any third parties, unless they are authorities (council inspectors or insurance investigators) who need access for professional reasons. If for any reason, someone wants your details (if you run a business or breed dogs etc), I will seek your permission first before passing details on. Details will never be shared or sold to others.